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2 Queen of Hearts Bonus: if you get 2 Queen of hearts in a row you win 1000.00£ instantly! 2 Queen of Hearts Super Bonus: if you get 2 Queen of hearts in a row and the dealer has a blackjack, you win 5,000.00£ instantly! Hot 7’s Bonus: if you get 3 sevens’ (7) in a row in the same hand, and they are all the same suit, you win 10,000.00£ instantly! Wild Zero’s: if the number 0 comes out 4 times  in a row you and all the players in that hand split 100,000.00£ instantly! Example: 4 zero’s (0-0-0-0), four consecutive zero’s, and you are betting on all four spins then are now eligible to be part of the 100k prize pool.

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Come try out our new Bonuses and get a chance to win some serious coin! This bonus is valid on casino slots and Ph live casino blackjack tables
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